⏰Estimated Practice Time: 30 Minutes


  • Learn how to create a Sales Log to calculate revenue for products using simple Excel formulas and formatting.

Scenario: Sales Log

  • Set Up Your Sales Data Table:

    • Open Excel and create the following headers in Row 1:

      • A1: "Product" | B1: "Units Sold" | C1: "Unit Price" | D1: "Revenue"

    • Format the headers:

      • Select cells A1:D1, click Bold, increase the font size to 12, and apply a light fill color for clarity.

  • Input Sample Sales Data:

    • Starting in Row 2, enter the following product details:

  • Calculate Revenue for Each Product:

    • In cell D2 (under "Revenue"), enter the formula to calculate revenue:


      • This multiplies the Units Sold (B2) by the Unit Price (C2).

    • Press Enter, and the revenue for Apples will display.

    • Copy the formula down by dragging the fill handle from D2 to D5.

  • Format Numbers as Currency:

    • Highlight the "Unit Price" and "Revenue" columns (C2:D5).

    • Go to Home → Number Group → Currency or use Ctrl + Shift + $.

  • Calculate the Total Revenue:

    • In Row 6, type the following labels:

      • C6: "Total Revenue"

    • In cell D6, calculate the total revenue using the SUM formula:


    • Press Enter to display the total.

  • AutoFit Columns for Readability:

    • Double-click the column separators between A, B, C, and D to adjust the column widths.